Why elope in 2021? Eloping during Covid-19

Why Elope?

Eloping during Covid-19

Most of the weddings have been postponed or canceled due to Coronavirus. What is the best way to react with positivity? Elope!

elopement 2021 coronavirus why elope

The ultimate way of announcing to the world about your love is through marriage. But sometimes couples choose to take the silent route. Some people instead of having a grand wedding choose to elope instead. But before we discuss why they choose to do that, let us talk about what elope is.

What is the elopement?

Elope means running away to get married. Imagine two lovers who one day decides to go to the court and get married without telling their parents. This is what the correct definition of elopement used to be in older times. But that is not what it means these days. It is more of an intimate wedding where the couple invites a minimum or no guests. And elopement always doesn’t have to be in the court. Couples can even choose to have a destination wedding. They will just not have to bear the expense of guests.


How do marriages change with the Covid-19?

During this difficult 2020, most of the weddings have been postponed or canceled. This is very sad for the couples who were planning a big wedding for a year or even longer. It is not fair that a couple should give up their marriage because of the Coronavirus.

That’s why my favorite way to get married comes into play: the elopement.

Instead of getting crazily depressed or even angry about the situation with a romantic elopement you can have the best wedding ever!

Why do people choose to elope?

  1. Cutting off the expense

Let us be honest here; weddings are not cheap these days. In order to have a good wedding, you need to start saving months before it and sometimes even get a loan. Some people decide to free themselves from this unnecessary burden. They can spend all this money on something else like do investment or maybe go on a dream destination for their honeymoon.

  1. Not a big wedding person

It is not always about money. You can go for elopement because you are just not a big wedding type of person. Of course, people dream of having the perfect grand wedding that everyone will talk about. However, there are certain people who are the opposite. They just want a simple wedding and free themselves from the unnecessary pressure of society.

  1. To maintain Intimacy

A wedding is a very private and intimate event but there is nothing wrong with making your family and friends a part of your celebration.  Having an intimate wedding is hard when there are so many guests present. That is why people go for elopement. To enjoy all the intimate moments without fearing what others will think or say.

  1. Escape the trouble of planning

Even those who love to plan to get overwhelmed by the amount of planning needed for a wedding. There have been surveys that tell us the reason why many couples choose to elope is to escape the planning which goes on till the last minute of their wedding

  1. Escape the trouble of Coronavirus restrictions

The future is so uncertain. It is very difficult to make long-term plans in this historical period, and above all, we still have no directives regarding the restrictions that there could be in big events.
